藥局裝潢 創新無接縫燈箱
藥局裝潢 立體工法 盒字
藥局裝潢 無接縫 燒烤式 一體成型燈箱
藥局裝潢 櫥窗櫃 水晶立體字
藥局裝潢 ~現代秋香 木質地板 ~ 配合懸吊漸進式照明 讓櫥窗商品專業感~
在大中華區- 台灣 我們的醫療政策 已實施醫藥分業超過20年以上
In Greater China-Taiwan, our medical policy has implemented the pharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years.
位於台灣的宜軒公司 目前年度最大業務量 正是試圖解決專業藥局作業流程 解決方案。
Located in Taiwan I-Sen company, now biggest annual business volume, is trying to solve professional pharmacy workflow, solutions.
我們的目標是將在台灣的專業調劑藥局,比照國際水準 進行無縫銜接~~
Our goal is to bring professional pharmacy in Taiwan, compared with international standards for seamless ~~
Located in Taiwan I-Sen company, now biggest annual business volume, is trying to solve professional pharmacy workflow,solutions.